Meet the Team

I am Chris-Vincent Agyapong Febiri, a lawyer, a writer and something like a legal polymath based in the United Kingdom; I hold 2 Master’s degrees in Law; International Human Rights Law (LL.M) and Legal Practice Course (LL.M) from University of Leicester and Nottingham Law School–and also a degree in Law (LL.B)
I am a Professional Truth Sayer and the author of the popular eBook “Success is a Right, Not A Privilege.”
I currently work at Adukus Solicitors in London–where I use my legal brains to kick real ass, for the good of my clients and humanity.
When it comes to Law and Morality, I side with John Stuart Mill’s need for legal intervention only when there’s harm to others, and to a limited extent, the Paternalistic view championed by Prof. H. L. A. Hart.
This website/blog is to help make law SIMPLE–for individual application and comprehension.
Contact: [email protected] [email protected]
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